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Is it haram to touch one’s private parts?

During sexual relations, or in a couple, it is common to touch intimate parts. The goal is to make one’s partner feel comfortable. Islam emphasizes some legal practices regarding sexual relations and masturbation and clearly highlights what can be Haram both in a couple and in the sexual life of a single person. Here, we will see if it is Haram to touch intimate parts or not. Let’s go!

Does Islamic law prohibit touching intimate parts?

On the sexual side, Islam teaches good manners. During sexual relations between a husband and his wife, rules of good behavior must be followed to ensure that the relationship is worthy of human beings and thus achieves the objectives of marriage. For example, we can mention:

  • Wearing perfume before sexual intercourse. As reported in the two authentic books of Aisha, it is stated: “I used to perfume the Prophet, and he would go around his wives.”
  • Having fun with your partner and caressing her to stimulate her sexual desire so she can enjoy at the same time as him.

Thus, touching intimate parts is Halal. As a Muslim couple, you can touch each other to evoke sexual desire together.

Is masturbation Haram?

Fornication and sodomy are sins under all circumstances. Thus, masturbation, lustful gazing, or any other means of satisfying unnatural sexual desire are not tolerated and are considered Haram. However, there are some scholars who consider that these ways of seeking pleasure by oneself are lesser compared to fornication. Therefore, it may “be” permissible for one who cannot marry, but masturbation should not become a habit, as it will become condemnable.

The same applies to sexual objects, namely:

  • Inflatable dolls;
  • Artificial penises;
  • Vibrators;
  • Images and erotic films.

Resorting to these sexual objects is even more serious than having fantasies or simply lustful gazing. Indeed, the belief states that these methods can dissolve the sacred bond of the family and have negative consequences on the human race.

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